Latest Newsletter 11.12.2017
Date: 11th Dec 2017 @ 1:24pm
11th December 2017
Dear Parents
As I am sure you are aware we were visited by Ofsted last week to review the educational provision at the school. At present we are in a period where judgements are being verified and we are therefore unable to indicate how the inspection went. The report should be available within 20 working days and will be distributed accordingly. May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support during the inspection which was a challenging experience as it should be, but one which will hopefully reflect the current position of the school.
Christmas Lunch
As previously indicated the Christmas lunch will be held on Friday (15th December), if you haven’t indicated that your child wishes to have a Christmas lunch, please can you let the office staff know 10am tomorrow (Tuesday 12th December) to give the school Cook time to source the required amount of produce.
Christmas Jumper Day
On Friday 15th December, we would like to provide the children (and staff) with the opportunity to wear their favourite Christmas jumper to school (with the rest of their uniform). In return the School Council have suggested that we ask all participants to make a small donation which will be given to St Luke’s Hospice. Please send a few coins into school with your child should you wish to contribute to this very worthy cause.
Christmas Parties
This year we will be running Christmas parties for the children on the following dates:
20th December: am Nursery and Reception
20th December: pm Year 1 / Year 2
21st December: am Year 5 / Year 6
21st December pm Year 3 / Year 4
Please can the children in Nursery and Reception come dressed in party clothes and bring their uniform to change into.
Please can all other year groups come to school in their uniform and bring a change of clothing should they wish to do so.
As in previous years the PTA will provide party food for the children and if we are lucky we might even get a visit from the man in the red suit!
Additional Date Reminder:
13th December: EYFS Christmas Performance 9.30am
EYFS Christmas Performance 2.00pm
Y3 / Y4 Grange Panto: pm
14th December: Y1 Christmas Play 9.30am
Y2 / Y3 Christmas Carol Service at St Andrews 2.00pm
Y1 Christmas Play 6.00pm
15th December: Christmas Lunch / Christmas Jumper Day
18th December: Year 5 / Year 6 Christmas Carol Service at United Reformed Church: 6.00pm
19th December: Snow White production in school for EYFS and KS1 children
22nd December: School Closes for the Christmas holidays
8th January: School reopens following the Christmas break
Should you have any concerns or issues you wish to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.
May I take this opportunity to wish all concerned a very happy and restful Christmas.
Kind regards
Mark Joule
Head teacher