School Meals

School Meals are available from the kitchen. They are cooked on site by our new Cook and her team.

For children in EYFS 2 or Years 1 and Year 2 there is no charge for a hot school meal as these are subsidised under the Government's Universal Free School Meal scheme.

For children in KS2 meals can be purchased at a current cost of  £2.85 per day.

All school meal payments can be made online at School Gateway.

Information on claiming free school meals can be found here.

Snacks from the Kitchen

To comply with new regulations, we will not be selling morning snacks from the kitchen. However, children are able to bring in their own HEALTHY Snack for morning break. Please do not send chocolate or crisps.

Please note that we will continue to provide the free milk for the children in Early Years and KS1, as well as the free fruit for snacks for the children in these year groups.


School Meals Booking System

Please can you ensure you book your child's meal prior to the day it is due to be taken using the School Gateway app.  This will ensure your child receives the meal that you want them to have from our menu.  Full details of how to use the system are available below.


To access the Meal Manager, please download the School Gateway app.