Year 6 - Esk, Eden and Calder: Blog items
Year 6 Weekly Blog 24th March, by Mr Joule
Date: 27th Mar 2017 @ 2:56pm
Friday 24th March 2017
High Street Year 6 Weekly Newsletter
As the weeks continue to fly by, our final week before Easter is approaching imminently!
Friday provided some “Comic Relief” as the children came in dressed with their clothes inside out and their hair styled in a unique manner.
Thank you for all your contributions towards a worthy cause!
What did we do over the last week?
- English – the children had the opportunity to invent their very own “Warning Tales”. As Internet Safety Week had recently passed, the children used this as the context for their tales. The children’s characters received a variety of warnings including: keeping their social media accounts protected and being wary of talking to strangers online! Of course, in their tales the main character did not take heed of their warning and they promptly learnt their lesson.
The children’s writing was of a high quality and they undoubtedly enjoyed telling their tales!
- Maths – we seized the opportunity to sit maths assessments. This provided the ideal rehearsal for the end of key stage tests in May and also gave the children an awareness of the concepts they need to “brush up on” over the coming weeks!
- SATs Meeting - Thank you to all who attended the SATs meeting on Tuesday evening. If you were unable to attend, the PowerPoint presented during the evening is available to download from our school website. If you have any questions regards SATs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Heartstone Odyssey – our work on the Heartstone Odyssey continued as our main character experienced the potentially harmful effects of “stereotyping”.
The children then discussed stereotyping that they had experienced and how it made them feel – a very purposeful and valuable debate!
What’s happening this coming week?
- Maths – we will begin focussing on shape and the differing properties of a variety of 2D and 3D forms. This will lead in to work on angles, co-ordinates, translation and transformation.
- English – we will be sitting practice papers in Reading and GPaS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). Once again, this will assist us in identifying areas to focus on after Easter.
- Topic – the children will be conducting a study of the city of Rome. The children will consider its foundations, location, climate, popular culture and even the occupations that propelled the city to prosperity.
What can you do at home to support our learning at school?
Challenge your child to explain some of the key terms used in our teaching of English. Can they define the different word classes: noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, pronoun and contractions?
The CGP study guides can be used to check their responses!
Have a magnificent week.
The Year 6 Team