Latest Newsletter 20.3.18

Date: 20th Mar 2018 @ 2:51pm



Dear Parents


Down syndrome day (Wednesday 21st March)

In recognition of Down Syndrome Awareness day we would like the children to come to school in odd socks, in their uniform, to help us raise awareness of the condition. During the afternoon the school council will also be selling gingerbread biscuits for 50p. These have been sourced from the Downs Syndrome Charity and will also help to raise awareness about Downs. All proceeds will be donated to the charity.


Sports Relief

This Friday will be Sports Relief. In recognition we would like to provide the children with the opportunity to come to school in their favourite sports kit. In return, we will collect donations of 50p -£1 which will be sent to the Sports Relief charity.


Year 3 Visit

Last week the Y3 children visited Anglesey for their residential visit. It was a pleasure to take them as they displayed excellent behaviour and were a credit to all concerned. During their stay their visited South Stack lighthouse and Elin’s Tower (RSPB) reserve. They also conducted a survey in Holyhead, and spent time in Treaddur Bay, beach combing and having a tour of the Lifeboat Station. Finally on the way home they visited the Sea Zoo. Well done to all concerned!


School Website

This term we are moving to School Spider (our school website) to facilitate the booking of parents evening appointments. Once this is underway, we will start to transfer other operations to the site including payments for visits (an additional help sheet will follow for this) etc. Please find attached a letter from School Spider explaining the system. The easiest way to receive information is to download a free app. You will then receive notifications in the same was as you would for a twitter account or Facebook, to inform you that you have a message.

The purpose of the change is partially financial as the new system is more cost effective for the school. In addition all of our services will be centralised for ease.


Parents Evening

You will soon be sent a username and password by email to enable you to log into the parent section of the school website, if we haven’t got an email address for you we will send it by text. Once you have accessed the website you will be able to enter the parents evening section to reserve your appointment. Should you experience difficulty in doing so, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. Further details are available on the attached letter. Parents Evening will be open for booking from 6.00pm today using the School Spider app.

Should you have any issues you wish to raise, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Kind regards

Mark Joule

Head teacher

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