Newsletter 17.7.17

Date: 17th Jul 2017 @ 3:30pm

Monday, 17 July 2017




Dear Parents / Carers


As we approach the end of the school year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your support and patience. As the year has progressed, we have all been challenged as the new building has taken shape, but at last we now have facilities which will only enhance the learning of the children.


As a school we are pleased with the continued progress of the children at High Street. The National picture requires schools to get the children in their care to ever increasing standards by the end of each year group. To support this a new National Curriculum was introduced in 2015; this is still being embedded across all schools and raises the bar which children are required to reach.


This year the children at High Street have achieved well, with 79% of the pupils in Y1 achieving the National standard during their end of year group assessments. This compares well and places us broadly in line with schools nationally. Of the children who did not reach the standard, additional support will be provided to help them achieve during the next academic year.

KS1 Results

These show the progress of the children at High Street and build on the starting points of the children. In all areas we are still slightly below the national percentages (2016) achieving the expected standards. However, as a result of the hard work being undertaken, more children are now in line with where they should be compared to where they were when they started school or where they were at the end of Reception. Should this progress continue we will be looking to equal or better the national percentages with this cohort at the end of Year 6.

KS2 Results

These demonstrate the progress of the children in the cohort and compare favourably to the National percentages for 2016. In reading and writing our combined results place us broadly in line with schools nationally but slightly below our counterparts in maths. However in spelling, punctuation and grammar we are well above the national percentages for 2016.

Some of the highlights of the year

During the year we have been very proud of the achievements of the children. As indicated their progress in their work has resulted in more children reaching the new higher standards of the national curriculum and of those who have not our tracking systems illustrate how well they have also done.

Residential Visits

Many pupils have taken the opportunity to attend their annual residential visits and/ or day visits and have developed their understanding of different topics through the first hand experiences on offer. This type of activity would not be possible without your support, which we are extremely grateful. Plans are already being developed for a full programme of visits for next year to support the learning of the children.

Outdoor Learning

All children have experienced outdoor learning on the school site. This has been well received by the children and sees them develop new skills in a safe secure environment. Next year we will be looking at developing the woodland area further to support Forest School activities.


Sports events both in and out of school have been a major feature of the school year with children from across the different year groups representing their school team or the school at events in the locality. Chris Story from the Vale Royal Schools’ Sports Partnership (which we are a member) commented recently that he always knows which team are representing High Street as they are always competitive but also demonstrate a positive sporting attitude. This year we should be in line to maintain our Sainsbury’s Gold Sports Mark through the events and clubs which have been on offer.

World of Work

This was a great success, with the children from each year group working on mini enterprises and then sharing these last Thursday for parents and members of the community. Through this process, the children learnt about money, making products to sell and devising how and when to sell these. The profit raised by the children will be used to purchase additional equipment for play times. Well done to all concerned! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the PTA for supporting the evening with their tombola, cake stall and selection of small stalls in the large hall.

Arts Events

During the year children from the different year groups have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of assemblies and / or productions. It has been wonderful to see so many perform in front of parents and friends. Well done to all concerned! This week the Year 5 will be joining staff and students at the Winsford Academy to perform a dance as part of the production of Grease and the Y6 will be performing their leavers’ production entitled Cinderella Rockafella for the children from other year groups and for their parents on Wednesday Evening. We wish both sets of children every success! Thanks also to all of the staff for helping them to put the shows together.

Building Programme

As indicated we are reaching the conclusion of the building programme. During the summer holiday, the wall between the MUGA level and the upper level will be reinforced and fencing placed along the top for the safety of the children. In addition, the temporary steps leading from the lower to the upper level and those outside the Y3 entrance will be reconstructed to provide a permanent solution.


As indicated on the school calendar, which can be found on the school website by clicking the icon, the school will reopen for the children on Tuesday 5th September, staff will be onsite on the Monday, should you need to contact the school.

Site Access

From September the new office block will be in operation. Access to this can be made from the doors opposite the Y6 entrance.

Access to the school site will mainly be via the bottom gate adjacent to Kiddicare, and the gate leading from the steps from the Verdin Centre car park. During the holiday it is our intention to have magnetic locks fitted to these gates. This will enable the admin staff to allow you entrance to site once you have indicated who you are via the intercom system fitted to the gates. These locks will not be applied until 9.15am each day once parents have dropped their children off and will be switched off at 3.10pm to allow parental access to the site to collect children.

In addition to the aforementioned access from the High Street will be available at the beginning and the end of the school day from the gate adjacent to the Verdin Exchange and the gate closest to the Chip Shop. The small gate opposite the glass corridor will remain closed at all times for added security. These gates will be operated manually by the site staff as is current practice until we have sufficient funds to have magnetic locks fitted.

Leaver’s Evening Performance

This will be on Wednesday evening 19th July starting at 6.00pm following the performance we would like to invite parents and carers to join us for a celebratory drink and nibbles in the school hall. As we have limited space in the theatre unfortunately we need to limit the number of guests. We will assume 2 guests per child, but should you need to bring additional children then please can you advise your child’s class teacher before the end of school on Tuesday.


As you will have noticed some shops have started to advertise ‘back to school’ children’s wear. This always amuses me as it becomes earlier each year! However with this in mind and as you prepare your child for the year ahead, please can you ensure that your child is following the school uniform policy.

Children should wear the following to school on their return in September:

Summer dresses (Light blue gingham check)

White shirt / blouse

Grey / black skirt / trousers / shorts

Blue school sweatshirt

Please note that ties are compulsory from Y3 –Y6 but optional in EYFS / KS1

Black school shoes (NOT TRAINERS)

Thank you for your support with this matter.

Staff Leaving

Please note that Mrs Newbury and Mr Jenkins will leave the school at the end of August to spend more time with their families. May I take this opportunity to thank them both for their service to the school.

Finally may I take this opportunity to wish you all a restful summer holiday.

Mark Joule

Head Teacher

Winsford High Street Community Primary