Newsletter 19.9.18

Date: 19th Sep 2018 @ 2:47pm

18 September 2018

Dear Parents

I am pleased to say that the children seem to have settled well into their new classes and are approaching their learning in a positive manner.

Summer Homework / Projects
Many thanks for the support with summer homework/ projects. It has been lovely to see a vast array of models and pieces of work produced during the summer break!

Please can we ask that all parents listen to their children read on a regular basis and talk to their child(ren) about what they have read and what they have understood (ideally daily). Although as staff we aim to listen to each child read regularly this is not sufficient and they need daily practice. To promote reading this year we are going to introduce the ‘Extreme Read’. This involves the children reading in the most unusual of places and recording this in their reading diaries. If you can take a photograph of them doing so that would be great; these can be handed into your child’s class teacher or emailed to [email protected] Team points and stickers will be awarded for the most extreme reads each week.

Printers Reading Diaries
Unfortunately we have been let down with our order of new reading diaries. We had enough in stock for the majority of the school, but Y5 and Y6 children will be given theirs as soon as they arrive. Please can Y5 / Y6 children record their reading in their homework books until we receive the new order; many thanks for your support with this matter!

New Year Group Meetings
These were held last week to enable you to meet your child’s class teacher and to inform you of the year ahead. If you were unable to attend the meetings, the information has been posted under your child’s year group on the school website.
Sadly I was also unable to attend the different meetings, as I was required to have a minor operation which had originally been scheduled for the summer holidays. I therefore hope to meet you during the coming weeks. Should the need arise please don’t hesitate to contact me through the School office.

Inset Day
As noted in my previous letter we have had to reorganise one of our school Inset days to accommodate staff training. This will now take place on Monday 15th April 2019 instead of Monday 3rd June.

Y6 Team Building Camp

This was held on the Thursday and Friday of the first week back at Forest Camp, Sandiway. The vast majority of our Y6 attended and had great fun camping, as well as supporting each other with raft building and climbing. Well done to all concerned!

Mr Askey
I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Askey gave birth to a baby boy (Arthur) during the summer break. Mr Askey will therefore be having some paternity leave. However to reduce the impact on his class, he will take each Friday until half term instead of a two week block. Mrs Lowe will cover his absence each Friday.

Mrs Lawton
I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Lawton is expecting her second child in January. She will therefore start her maternity leave after the Christmas break. As Mrs Lawton currently covers ‘planning, preparation and assessment time’ for KS2, appropriate cover will be sourced to provide continuity for the children.

Mrs Raistrick
Please note that Mrs Raistrick will start her maternity leave on Friday of this week. We wish her and her husband all the very best of luck for their forthcoming new arrival.

Class Names
This year we have named each of the classes after a river which either flows locally or one which flows through an area where a year group visits as part of their residential or day visits. Please can I ask that wherever possible you use the class name in communication with the school. To help you with this I have listed the class names below together with the teacher teaching each of the different classes.

Nursery Dane Miss Garnett
Nursery Weaver Miss Williams
Reception Dean Mrs Robbins
Reception Croco Mr Allen
Reception Bollin Miss Fox
Y1 Gowy Miss Price
Y1 Dee Mr Owen
Y1 Wheelock Miss Bebbington
Y2 Wye Mrs Ferguson
Y2 Dove Mrs Coleman / Mr Wright
Y2 Manifold Mrs Astley
Y3 Conwy Miss Barwick
Y3 Adda Miss Toomer
Y3 Severn Miss Phillips
Y4 Ouse Mrs Bullen / Miss Guppy
Y4 Foss Miss Warrell
Y4 Derwent Miss McCabe
Y5 Thames Mrs Moorhouse / Miss Stanway
Y5 Wandle Mrs Andrews
Y5 Brent Mr Thorburn
Y6 Esk Mr Askey
Y6 Eden Miss Levis
Y6 Calder Miss Baker

Team Point Awards
This year we will be changing the team point awards from certificates to stickers. The children will now receive a sticker for every 20 team points. It is hoped that these will have a more immediate impact on the children.

This will take place on 4th October at 3.30pm in the school. All parents and friends of the school are welcome to attend. Please enter the school via the school office.

Just a reminder, as per Cheshire West and Chester Council’s policy, there are no dogs permitted on the school premises.

Finally Should you have any concerns or wish to raise any points regarding your child’s education, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.
Mark Joule
Head teacher

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