Newsletter 26.11.18

Date: 26th Nov 2018 @ 2:12pm

Dear Parents & Carers

Parent Governor
I am delighted to inform you that Mrs Kirsty Kelshaw has been duly appointed as a parent Governor. Following the closing date for nominations, she was the only parent to have submitted an application and has therefore been appointed to serve on the governing body for a 4 year term. I am sure that you will join with me in congratulating her on her appointment.


Maths Challenge

I am delighted to inform you that the following children participated in the Winsford Maths Challenge on Wednesday 21st November.

Year 3: JLO/ OB

Year 4: AD/ LH

Year 5:CS/ SS

Year 6: AC / BW


All competitors performed really well with AD coming second in his year group and AC being the overall winner in Y6. Well done to all concerned!


Kings School Y5 / 6 Cubic Challenge

I am also delighted to inform you that the two teams of Y5 / 6 children we sent to the Kings School Annual Maths challenge also performed really well with one of our teams being the overall winners. This was a great achievement with the children competing against pupils from schools from all over the Borough. Well done to all, you should be very proud of the trophy in the entrance hall!


School Friendship Discos
We would like to extend our thanks to the members of the PTA who organised and ran the school discos with the support of members of staff. All of the children seemed to have a great time and those I talked to, thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Children in Need

Thank you for allowing your children to participate in this year’s Children in Need. As a result we have been able to send £471.12 to this worthy cause as well as raise the children’s awareness of the difficulties some children face around the world.


Extreme Read
It has been lovely to see so many pictures of children from each age group participating in our ‘extreme read’. It is our intention to run this throughout the academic year and during the next summer holidays, so please encourage your child to take part. Photographs can either be handed into the school office or emailed to [email protected].
Please can you indicate on your email if you are happy for the photographs to be posted on social media; this will be done with no more than the initial of your child’s first name. To see some of our extreme reads please visit @HighStPrimary on Twitter. Well done to all concerned!!!


Christmas Jumpers

This year we would like the children to enter the Christmas spirit during the last week of the term, by wearing their Christmas jumpers instead of their usual sweatshirts. If your child does not possess a Christmas jumper a normal jumper will suffice with a few small decorations. In return for doing so we would welcome donations which will be sent to St Luke’s Hospice.






Grange Lane Incident

Sadly we have been made aware of an incident which happened between two individuals on Grange Lane this morning. In accordance with school policy this has been reported to the police, who will investigate the altercation.


Verdin Car Park

Please may I take this opportunity to ask all users of the car park, to be considerate of others. We are lucky to have such a facility close to the school, where most schools don’t. If each user shows consideration by letting one person into the queue as they are waiting, then the traffic would flow much easier. This is not a school owned car park, but it serves the school and therefore children use the facility with their parents. To avoid incidents similar to the one which happened on Grange Lane, we ask that all users of the facility set the right example for our impressionable children!



Please note that there will be no swimming on Tuesday 4th December for the children in Y4 due to them participating in the Winsford Education Partnership Cantata which takes place during the afternoon / evening.


The children in Y3 will swim on Tuesday 4th December instead of their usual swimming time on Friday 7th December.


As a one off activity and a mid-year review of their swimming capabilities, the Y6 will go swimming on the 7th December from 1.00-2.00pm.


Football Competitions

The Year 3/ 4 teams recently competed in the Winsford football tournament, in doing so they played really well and finished 4th and 5th respectively. We are very proud of the efforts they displayed.

The Year 5 / 6 teams competed in the Winsford Mini league. They also performed really well and did not lose a game. Well done to all concerned!


SIMS Agora (children in Years 3-6 only)

Winsford High Street Primary School now has an online payments system which we would encourage parents to use to pay for school meals for your children.

The system we use is known as SIMS Agora which is very easy-to-use and will offer you the flexibility to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that payments are secure and use the highest level of card security and that funds will reach the school safely.


Getting started with SIMS Agora online payments

If you have a child in Key Stage Two (Years 3-6) you will shortly be receiving an email which includes your child’s unique registration reference for SIMS Agora. If you have not got an email address you will receive a letter which contains your child’s registration number. 

To access SIMS Agora you will need an email address and a Microsoft Account.

You can use  an existing account if you already have one, or create a new one online – they  are free, very easy to setup and you can use any email address and password – to get a Microsoft Account please go to  

You can create a Google Account at:


  1. Please login to SIMS Agora -
  2. When prompted you will need to enter the Invitation code and then your child’s date of birth.
  3. Follow the simple online instructions to register your account.
  4. Please register your new account by 19th January 2019.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email – once you have activated your account by clicking the

        link in the email you will be able to make payments for school meals straight away.

If you have any difficulties in registering or using the online payment system please contact the school office who will be happy to help you.


Dates for the remainder of the term:


28th November:              New parents Tour of the school at 2.00pm

3rd December:               Winsford Partnership Cantata @ Lifestyle Centre Y4

4th December:                Winsford Partnership Cantata @ Lifestyle Centre Y4

10th December:              Nursery Nativity PM

10th December:              EYFS to Delamere Forest all day

11th December:              EYFS Dress Rehearsal am

11th December:              Y1 Dress Rehearsal pm

                                    Y1 Performance for parents: 6.00pm

12th December:              EYFS Nativity am and pm

12th December:              Y2/3 Rehearsal at URC am

13th December:              Y1 Nativity am

13th December:              Y2/3 Carols at URC pm

14th December:              Y5 / 6 Rehearsal Carols by Candlelight at St Andrews am TBC

17th December:              Year 5 /6 Carol Concert at St Andrews, 6.00pm TBC

17th December:              Y3/4 Theatre Visit: Grange Hartford

17th December:              Y5/6 Carol Service @ United Reformed Church, Over.

18th December:              EYFS/ Nursery/Y1/2 Aladdin Production in School

17th – 21st December      Wear your Christmas Jumper week

19th December:              Y5/6 Christmas Party am

19th December:              EYFS Christmas Party am

20th December:              Y3/4 Christmas Party am

20th December:              Y1/2 Christmas Party am

20th December:              Y5 / 6 New Vic Theatre Visit

21st December:              School Christmas Meal

Should you have any issues which you wish to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Kind regards


Mark Joule