Newsletter 5.10.2020

Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 2:45pm


                                                                                                                        5th October 2020

Dear Parents / Carers


Class Bollin

Please note that Miss Williams will be off school for the next three weeks, starting Monday 5th October to undergo a small medical procedure which is NOT COVID Related. Mrs Smith, who has worked in the school on many occasions, will cover the class during her absence and will work closely with Miss Garnett and her team to ensure the smooth running of Class Bollin.


Mental Health Awareness Day

To mark World Mental Health Awareness Day on Saturday 10th October, we would like the children and staff to wear something yellow to school on Friday 9th October. We should be grateful if the children could make a small donation of 50p – £1.00. All proceeds will be distributed to mental health charities.


Office 365

You should now have received log on details for your child to our new Learning Platform. This is very similar to the ones used in the High Schools and will make distance learning easier should a child need to isolate or if we are required to enter a further lockdown. Mr Bratt has also kindly produced an instruction guide for all users to help you become familiar with the log on procedures which was emailed out to your personal email address over the weekend. Please note that we realise that you as parents will be required to support your child initially with these procedures, but as they become proficient they will be able to access the platform themselves.



As staff we have been reviewing the homework which we set. In doing so, we have identified key activities for all children to complete on a weekly basis based on their year group. We are also producing an overview of further activities which your child can complete during a half term to help to consolidate their learning. From this grid the children will be asked to complete a set number of tasks but may complete all of them should they wish to do so. All homework will now be posted on the Microsoft 365 Platform. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you are having issues accessing this.


Parent / Teacher Meetings

Due to the current Pandemic, all meetings between parents and teachers (Parents Evenings) will be virtual and will be held through your child’s Microsoft 365 account which is accessible on smart phones, tablets and computers. Mr Bratt is currently putting together a short video clip and will send this out to you to guide you through the process. Your child’s class teacher will shortly be distributing a link to Microsoft Forms from which you will be able to indicate your preferred date and time for the meeting from those available. Once we have finalised the list for each class, the class teachers will email you a link to the meeting to your personal email accounts.


Face Masks

Many thanks to all members of the school community for adhering to our policy by wearing face coverings whilst on the school grounds. This will hopefully help to keep all members of the school community safe during these difficult times. We do understand that there are a very small number of parents who are exempt from wearing face coverings and ask that these parents carry their lanyards / cards with them to display to staff members on duty.

School Council

I am delighted to inform you that the following children have been selected by members of the school community to act as Year 6 School Council Representatives this year, they will act as team leaders for each team and meet with myself to decide on modifications to the school / charity fundraising.


J Mather            J Day                   T Dunbar        H Wallace         L Blackburn

L Holt               M Presland          S Buckley       E Newton          M Taylor


Should you have any issues which you wish to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards


Mark Joule

Head teacher



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