Newsletter 5.9.19
Date: 5th Sep 2019 @ 2:22pm
Dear Patent / Carers
We would like to welcome children and parents new to High Street together with those returning following the summer break. We hope that you have all had a productive summer and have managed to spend some quality time with your loved ones.
New Staff
This year we welcome the following teachers to the school:
Mr P Burgess: Reception
Mr M Rainer: Y3
Mr V Amarasinge: Y4
In addition we welcome Mrs C Davenport to the administration team and Mr Dale to the school as a site officer. I am sure that you will make them all feel very welcome.
Class structure
As with last year the children are based in classes named after rivers in the UK. The river names are those studied by the children or visited during the residential visits.
When sending correspondence into school we ask that you refer to your child’s class e.g. Y3 Conwy
For your reference, please find the class names listed below together with their corresponding teacher.
Nursery: Miss Williams Nursery: Dane
Mr Allen Nursery: Weaver
Reception: Miss Garnett Reception: Croco
Mr Burgess Reception: Dean
Miss Fox Reception: Bollin
Year 1: Miss Price Year 1: Gowy
Mrs Cooper (Miss Bebbington) Year 1: Wheelock
Mr Owen Year 1: Dee
Year 2: Mrs Robbins Year 2: Manifold
Mrs Ferguson Year 2: Wye
Miss McCabe Year 2: Dove
Year 3: Miss Barwick Year 3: Conwy
Mr Rainer Year 3: Severn
Miss Phillips Year 3: Adda
Year 4: Mrs Coleman / Mrs Raistrick Year 4: Ouse
Mr Amarasinghe Year 4: Foss
Miss Toomer Year 4: Derwent
Year 5: Mrs Moorhouse Year 5: Brent
Miss Stanway Year 5: Thames
Mrs Lawton / Miss Guppy Year 5: Wandle
Year 6: Mr Askey Year 6: Esk
Miss Warrell Year 6: Calder
Miss Baker Year 6: Eden
Please note that Y4 Ouse and Y5 Wandle will have two teachers sharing the class. However as with previous job shares, the governors and I have provided a half day overlap to ensure a smooth transition from one half of the week to the other.
Summer Homework / Projects
Many thanks for the support with summer homework/ projects. It has been lovely to see a vast array of models and pieces of work produced during the summer break!
Back to school meetings
As in previous years we will be running a series of ‘Welcome to your new year group meetings.’ These have been scheduled as follows:
Year 1: Tuesday 10th September @ 3.15pm in Theatre
Year 2: Tuesday 10th September @ 3.45pm in Theatre
Year 5 Wednesday 11th September @ 3.15pm in Theatre
Reception: Wednesday 11th September @ 2.45pm in Reception Classrooms
Year 4: Wednesday 11th September @ 3.45pm in Theatre
Year 6: Thursday 12th September @ 3.15pm in Theatre
Year 3: Thursday 12th September @ 3.45 in the Theatre
Please enter via the glass corridor doors off the green mat area adjacent to the Reception.
We hope to see you at these meetings to inform you of how the year will run and to provide you with the opportunity to meet your child’s new teacher(s).
Although I will do my best to pop into all of the welcome meetings, this is not always possible. Should I not be there, Mrs Lowe (Deputy Head teacher) or Mrs Taylor (Assistant Head teacher) will be available. Should you need to see me specifically, then please arrange a mutually convenient time, by speaking to one of the ladies in the school office or by emailing for an appointment.
School Dinners
As previously noted, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to receive free school meals. Children in Y3 and above may also qualify for free school meals depending on their family circumstances.
To qualify, parents need to apply for free school meals even if their child currently gets them through the Universal Infant Free School Meal Programme.
Your child might be able to get free school meals (and therefore Pupil Premium) if you get any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
To make an application you need to call Wyvern House on 0300 123 7039. This is a very quick process. Once you have notification that your child is eligible for free school meals you will need to inform the school with the evidence provided.
Many thanks to all parents for kitting their children out in the appropriate school uniform. The children looked fantastic today as they embarked on the new school year. It is important that these standards are maintained. Please note that KS2 children should wear the clip on school ties and black school shoes must be worn to and from school.
I am delighted to inform you that we have been accredited with the Silver Quality Mark for Geography. This is a tremendous achievement and a true recognition of the hard work which has been undertaken to develop standards in this area. I would like to thank all concerned for their efforts with this.
PE Quality Mark
I am also delighted to inform you that we have been awarded the Gold Quality Mark for Physical Education. This reflects the hard work undertaken to maintain the standard of PE across the school and in the provision of extra school activities. This is the third year in succession that we have received this standard, should we maintain it for another year, and then we will receive the Platinum Mark. Well done to all concerned!
Calendar dates
We are busy scheduling dates for the Autumn terns and the remainder of the year as appropriate. These will be added to the school website for your convenience. The dates for each residential visit have already been added as have school holidays. We will do our best to remind you of upcoming dates on regular newsletters and through Twitter and Facebook.
Scooters / Bikes
Please note that children riding to school on either scooters or bikes must wear a helmet in accordance with the Local Authority guidelines. In addition, children should dismount and push their bikes / scooters from the school gate to the storage area. Sadly on the last day of term a child ran into another child on one of the paths leading from the school. We therefore ask that parents ensure that their children are competent to ride and ensure that the children do not ride through pedestrians. Sadly any child who doesn’t comply with the aforementioned will receive a ban from coming to school on their bike / scooter.
We look forward to working with your child during the year. Should you have any concerns or wish us to explain something in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact us. As with all school related matters, your first point of contact should be your child’s class teacher. However, if you need further assistance with a matter then a member of the Senior Leadership team will be happy to assist.
Kind regards
Mark Joule
Head teacher