Newsletter 7.2.2020
Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 9:52am
Newsletter 7th February 2020
New Canopy
I am pleased to inform you that we will be having a canopy installed on the green carpet area to provide the children with shelter from light rain and the sun. Unfortunately the only date that we could secure for the installation is the week beginning Monday 10th February.
All risk assessments have been undertaken, but unfortunately we will need to close off this area for a few days.
As happened when we had the gas-main issue the following actions will be taken:
-Entry to the before and after school club will be via the Y3 steps.
-All Y3 children will enter and exit the building via the Y3 steps for the duration of the installation.
-The children in Y4 will be asked to meet before school on the MUGA and will be taken into class from there by their teachers.
-The Year 4 will be taken to the MUGA at the end of the school day and released from that point by their class teachers.
New Boilers
Having managed with ineffective boilers in the ‘Chappell Building’ for the last few months, I am pleased to inform you that these will also be replaced. This will take two weeks, with the work also starting on Monday 10th February.
Having spoken to the contractors, they will set up their compound on the Monday before starting work on the system on Tuesday 11th February. There should be little, if any disruption, by the contractors, as the work will be carried out in the boiler room opposite the school office.
Please note that from Tuesday 11th February the building will be heated by temporary heaters, so it would be advisable for all children in Y5 / Y6 to wear their school sweatshirts and have an additional layer at their disposal.
Netball Team
Our mixed Netball Team did well to reach the Vale Royal finals this week and finished 5th overall. A real credit to the players and the coaches! Well done to everyone who took part.
Our basketball team played well in the finals of the Vale Royal tournament. I am delighted to hear that they displayed a good sporting attitude and developed their skills. Unfortunately they did not progress to then County finals. Well done to the players and staff involved!
Please can we remind parents and carers that toys are not allowed in school. Recently we have seen an influx of toys being brought in for children to play with at playtimes, which have resulted in children becoming upset if they have been lost or damaged. We thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
Promoting Reading
Our ongoing focus this year is promoting reading at home so that every child is able to enjoy reading and also practise the skills being taught in school. Your class teacher will write in your child’s home school diary after their guided reading session each week. Together with this, we are reminding children that they should be reading every night of the week ( a minimum of 5 days) and that an adult should sign their reading diaries to indicate that they have done so.
As the children move in to KS2 and become more independent, we are happy for them to write the title of their book and the pages they have read and then for their responsible adult to sign adjacent to this.
In addition to the above, from February half term we will be recognising the children that have read most throughout each week by displaying their achievements on a class display. The class with the highest number of reads will then be recognised in the hall during a celebration assembly each week.
I am delighted to inform you that our athletics team represented the school well and were a real credit to all concerned during the Vale Royal Partnership Indoor Athletic Finals on Monday. The team finished in fourth place overall in the locality. Well done to all!.
PTA Cake Sale
The PTA are holding a Valentine’s Day cake sale on Friday 14th February. Cakes can be pre-ordered in the school office, by completing an order form. Collection and purchase of cakes is from the glass corridor.
Diary Dates (*** Change of date/New Date)
13.2.20 |
***Y4 Time Table Assessment Meeting for parents@ 3.20pm |
14.2.20 |
End of Half term- school closes at 3.15pm |
24.2.20 |
Inset Day- School closed for children |
25.2.20 |
School Reopens for children |
27.2.20 |
Airport Trip-Reception classes- all day |
27.2.20 |
***Book Fair in school for 1 week |
28.2.20 |
Airport Trip-Nursery classes- all day |
4.3.20 |
***Cross Country Competition 3.30-5pm Letter to follow |
5.3.20 |
***World Book Day- Letter to follow |
11.3.20-13.3.20 |
***Y5 residential to London |
31.3.20 |
***Y2 Trip to Quarry Bank Mill |
1.4.20 |
***Parents Evening 4-7pm |
3.4.20 |
***Finish for Easter @ 3.15pm |
3.4.20 |
***Easter Egg Hunt PTA |
20.4.20 |
***School reopens |
Kind regards,
Mark Joule
Head teacher