Newsletter 9.1.2018

Date: 9th Jan 2018 @ 1:37pm

Dear Parents / Carers


Welcome back following the Christmas break. I hope that you managed to have a good festive period and that you also avoided some of the ‘bugs’ which have been around!



As indicated prior to the holidays the school was graded as ‘good’ during the recent Ofsted Inspection. The staff and Governors and now working hard to continue to improve the service on offer and build on the positives identified. The main report can be located on the Ofsted website should you require a further copy or wish to direct friends and family to it.


School Football Kit

Unfortunately our school football kits are starting to look tired and in need of replacement. We have been fortunate in the past to gain sponsorship for them and are keen to do so in the future. If you or a company you work for would like to sponsor a kit then please contact the admin team with your details (01606 288188). On average a one off payment of approximately £400 will cover the cost of the kit and printing of the school logo and sponsors name.


In addition to the aforementioned, please can all parents who have had a child who has worn the school kit in the past, please check cupboards and draws at home as we are missing a number of items which have not been returned.


Year 2 Residential Visit

Due to accommodation issues we have needed to reschedule the Y2 Residential visit from 8th February to 19th April 2018. A letter containing further details will be distributed by the end of the week.


Year 1 Residential Visit

The Year 1 visit will take place from Wednesday this week. As I will be leading the art activities for the children on Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs Lowe will be available should any issues need addressing.


Year 5 Residential Visit

Plans are now well under way for the forthcoming Y5 residential visit to London. However, as we still need to confirm some aspects of the visits to places of interests, we have rescheduled the parents meeting from Tuesday 16th January to Thursday 25th January. This will enable plans to be finalised: Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause.


Closing Date for School Applications

Please note the closing date for applications for children to start at Primary School in September 2018 is 15th January. If you have a child who is due to start at this time please do not automatically assume that they will gain a place at the school because they have an older brother or sister at High Street. All applications for children starting need to be made through the local authority. Further details can be obtained from Wyvern House or through the school office.







The PTA will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Thursday 18th January at 3.30pm in the school meeting room. We really need additional members who can help us to provide events for the children and drive fund raising activities. If you are able to spare a few minutes of your time your presence would be most appreciated. The school will provide child care for any parent who wishes to attend. The meeting should last no longer than 45 minutes.



Should you have any issues or concerns with regards to any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher of myself should the need arise.



Kind regards


Mark Joule

Head teacher