Newsletter 9.5.19

Date: 9th May 2019 @ 2:42pm


9th May 2019

Dear Parents

We hope that all is well and that you have enjoyed the recent bank holiday.

Year 6 SATs

The Year 6 pupils will sit their end of key stage assessments next week. They have been working really hard in preparation. I am sure you will join with me in wishing them the best of luck!

The Zoo Project

As I am sure you are aware the main curriculum focus for this term is a project linked to Chester Zoo. Each year group from Y1 – Y6 will be focusing on different aspects of the environment and visiting the zoo on 20th May. The Reception and Nursery children will be spending the day in school studying and handling a variety of mini beasts; the culmination of this work will be on 11th July when the school will be open for you to visit from 5.00pm until 7.30pm. Please add this date to your diary as you will have the opportunity to see the fantastic work which the children have produced. As in previous years, the PTA will also be running some stalls and providing light refreshments.

Year 2 Residential Visit

The Y2 children had a lovely time in Hartington. During their stay they visited Chatsworth House and the Blue John Mines in addition to undertaking a study of the village and completing walks around the area. Sadly I was not able to accompany the children on this occasion, due to family illness, but I was delighted to receive an email from a visitor to the area complimenting me on how well behaved the children were and how hard the team of staff worked.


Easter Egg Hunt

Many thanks to members of the PTA for organising our recent Easter Egg hunt. This was a great success with the children having a very enjoyable time.

Film Night

The PTA also ran a film night (Johnny English) for the children in KS2 on Thursday 25th April. They were delighted by the uptake of tickets. Lots of the children commented to me that they had a great time: Many thanks to the parents and staff who made the event a great success.

Cake Sale

Due to the Y3 children being on their residential visit, the PTA have rescheduled their next cake sale to Friday 17th May. Thanks again to Vicky Raddy for the cakes!

Lost Property

On the evening of the Cake Sale (17th May), we will also be laying out all lost property in the school hall. Please try to pop in to identify lost items. Should items have no name they will be placed in the theatre and offered for resale at minimal cost.

Sports Days

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to reschedule the Y1 / 2 sports day. It will now take place on the morning of the 7th June. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The PTA are struggling for helpers to assist on the refreshment stall for the forthcoming sports days (please see dates listed below). If you are able to offer support please contact Kelly Thane (PTA Chair) via the school office. Unfortunately without your support we will be unable to offer refreshments.

Dates for your diary:


13th – 16th         Year 6 SATs week

15th                   G&T History Challenge at the Academy

16th                   Meeting for Y6 Parents Regards Residential Visit @ 3.30pm

20th                   Y1 – Y6 Visit to Chester Zoo

                        Nursery & EYFS Mini beast experience day in school

22nd-24th            Y3 Residential visit to Anglesey

24th                   School Closes at 3.15pm for Whit holidays


3rd                    School reopens for the children following half term break

           NSPCC Assembly

           NSPCC Workshops Y5

4th                     NSPCC Workshops Y6

6th                     Y5/6 Sports afternoon (new date)

7th                     Y1/2 Sports morning (new date)

           Y3/4 Sports afternoon (new date)

                        Y5 Visit to the Catalyst Museum

17th-21st            Y6 Residential visit to the Lake District

21st                   Y5: Primary College Day

24th 28th             School Sports week (Inter school events to be confirmed)

25th                   Meeting for parents of new starters@ 6.00pm

26th                   Y6 Visit to Barclays bank

27th                   Y6 Visit to Barclays bank


1st                             Y6 Visit to Edge Hill University

3rd                     Parents / Teacher meetings

11th                   Celebration Evening (Open Evening)

19th                   School Council visit

22nd                  Y6 Waterworld Celebration visit

                         Nursery Leavers Celebration

23rd                   Y6 Leavers Evening

24th                   End of term, school closes for the summer break     

Further dates to follow as they become available