Nursery Admissions

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Winsford High Street Community Primary School and Nursery

Tel: 01606 668066


Mr M Joule



Welcome to Winsford High Street Primary School Maintained Nursery. Children can enter Early Years Foundation Stage 1 the term after their 3rd birthday.

Please note a place in our nursery does not guarantee you a place in our Reception Class. You need to apply through the Local Authority admissions department.

Children in our Early Years Foundation Stage need a wide range of experiences to allow them to develop as a whole. We aim to enable the children to do this by allowing them to learn through play with the support of a highly qualified team of teachers and teaching assistants.

Sessions and Times

The nursery is open from 9am until 12am for morning sessions and 12pm until 3:00pm for afternoon sessions.

If your child is attending nursery for a full day or an afternoon session, please provide your child with a packed lunch.

Please contact the school if your child will not be attending nursery because of illness, holidays or otherwise.

Before and After School Provision

Before school provision is available (with an additional charge) from 7:50am – 9am which includes breakfast. After school provision is available from 3-5:50pm with an additional charge. Children in afterschool club 3-5:50pm will receive a light tea.

Lunch Time

If your child is to stay for lunch they will be supervised by qualified staff. Your child will need to bring a packed lunch. Please note there is no refrigeration system and it is therefore advisable that you include a cool pack in their lunch box.


All children are entitled to 15 hours of free child care the term after their third birthday; to access this you will need to ensure you have completed the Free Early Years Entitlement contract.

Some children will be entitled to 30 hours free childcare which can be used at High Street Nursery 9am - 3pm Monday – Friday. You can check your eligibility online at:

If you are only entitled to 15 hours free childcare and wish to pay for additional sessions, the price per session will be £13.50. You will receive an invoice from the school office to cover the payment of additional sessions. These payments are requested a month in advance.


Children in the nursery are required to wear a school uniform which will comprise of the following:

  • sky blue polo shirt
  • black/grey trousers/skirt
  • white/black socks
  • black school shoes
  • school jumper/cardigan

Please ensure each item of uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

For more information on uniform please follow this link: 


We will provide children with a drink of milk or water and a piece of fruit each day. We have two snack points during the day. You may wish to send your child in with a healthy snack to have in addition to the free fruit. 

Please also provide your child with a water bottle each day clearly labelled with your child's name.

Please ensure you have informed us of any allergies your child may have.  

Weather and Clothing

In the Early Years Foundation Stage children will have access to the outdoors at all times. Please could you send your child with a pair of wellies that they can keep in nursery and ensure your children are dressed suitably depending on the weather. During the warmer weather please ensure your child has a sun hat/cap that they can wear in school and apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at nursery. During the winter, children will need a warm winter coat.


On entry to nursery it is our preference that children are able to go to the toilet unaided as it takes up precious play and learning time if staff are occupied changing children. We will however support you and your child with toilet training if required. We ask that a change of clothes is provided for your child in case of an accident. It is also a good idea for children to have clothes they can manage themselves e.g. trousers with elastic waistbands instead of fiddly buttons.

Medical Information

It is very important that you let us know of any medical conditions or allergies that your child has. If your child has any medicine including an inhaler that may need to be administered whilst they are at nursery a medical form must be completed.

If your child is unwell we ask that you keep them at home until they are well. If your child has had sickness/ diarrhoea we ask that you keep them at home until 48 hours after their last episode of sickness/ diarrhoea. If your child is unwell during a session you will be called to collect them. Please ensure you keep us updated with any changes in contact details.

Food Sampling

During the course of children’s time at High Street, they may be asked to sample food products to support their learning.  To prevent your child receiving a food product that he / she is allergic to, we should be grateful if you would list on the consent form any products which your child should not sample due to allergies.

You may also wish to add to this list food that your child should not sample due to religious beliefs.  An updated list will be retained by the nursery teacher to ensure that children are not given products, which may make them ill. Should you require any further details of the school policy on this issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The use of photographs and video images of children

During your child’s time at nursery it may be appropriate to take photographs or video clips of them participating in educational activities.  These may be used for display purposes or during presentations to parents or other colleagues in education. In the Early Years Foundation Stage photographs of children form an important part of their Learning Journey. 

On occasions photographs may also be taken by local newspapers to celebrate activities in school or alternatively displayed on a web site for the school. To comply with recommendations regarding the use of images in this way it is our intention not to name children whose images are used in the public domain without parental consent.

Social Media

The nursery has a Twitter account: @NursHiStPrimary. Follow us to see what is happening in the nursery. No names will be published with photographs. The school also has a Facebook account and photos may be posted on Facebook, again without your child’s name. Please indicate on the attached consent form if you do/do not give permission for your child’s image to appear on Twitter/Facebook.

Birth Certificates

Please provide the school with your child’s long version of their Birth Certificate.


We currently have a September, January and Easter intake. Please note that due to the demand for places we cannot guarantee that having your child on our waiting list will guarantee you a place or your requested sessions. We will contact you the term prior to your child starting nursery to let you know our availability.

To apply for a place at our nursery please complete the online admission form by following the link below. 

Please click on the link below for our Nursery Admission Form:

Nursery Admission Form

Please click ont he link below to complete the All About Me form:

All About Me Form


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