Our homework grid for the current half term can be found in your child's red homework books and attached below under the section, 'files to download'. In addition to the grid, here are our weekly homework guidelines:
Reading should be completed with your child daily. There are three types of reading you can complete.
- You read to your child
- Your child reads to you
- Your child reads independantly
Just 10 minutes per day adds up to 60 hours of reading per year! You should record the page numbers and book title on your child's online reading diary BoomReader. If you have any issues with logins, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Times Table Rockstars is an online platform where your child can play and practice their times tables- a really important aspect of maths which is needed across all areas. This will help prepare your child complete their times tables check at the end of Year 4 where your child will be expected to know up to 12 x 12. TTRS achievements are celebrated in each classroom. If you have any issues with logins, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Your child will be given a red homework book and at the beginning of each half term, a homework grid. We ask that each term your child completes 5/9 activites and birng in what they have completed to show and tell the rest of the class. In Autumn, our homework is based on our topic unit- Ancient Greece. This is due on the Monday 21st October 2024.